Terms Of Service

The Center for Executive Coaching is an inclusive organization. We encourage individuals from all backgrounds and cultures to join. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. We follow all requirements under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Acceptance Of Terms Of Service

By using, visiting, or browsing CEC’s websites, or by participating in our live classes, you accept and agree to be bound by these Terms of Service, including, without limitation, the “Privacy” section of these Terms of Service, which section should be reviewed by you carefully. If you do not agree to these Terms of Service, you should not use CEC’s websites or participate in CEC’s live classes.

Changes To Terms Of Service

CEC reserves the right, from time to time, with or without notice to you, to change these Terms of Service in our sole discretion. The most current version of these Terms of Service is posted on the site, and can be reviewed by clicking on the “Terms of Service” link located at the bottom of most of the sites’ pages. The most current version of the Terms of Service will supersede all previous versions. Your use of the CEC websites after changes are made means that you agree to be bound by such changes.


By participating in CEC’s live classes, you accept and agree to be bound by the following terms (in addition to all other terms and provisions of the Terms of Service of which the following terms are a part). If you do not agree to the following terms, you should not participate in any of CEC’s live classes.

You understand and acknowledge that our live classes are recorded and placed in the member area of CEC’s website. You further understand and acknowledge that this means that other participants will be able to see and hear you when you participate in our live classes.

You authorize us to record and post in our member area the live classes in which you participate, including your image, visual likeness, and voice (“your Likeness”). You irrevocably authorize CEC to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, display, publish, and distribute your Likeness as part of the recorded and posted classes. You acknowledge and agree that you are not being paid, and you hereby waive any right to be paid, any royalties, license fees, or other compensation, remuneration, or consideration for the authorizations that that you are granting and the permissions that you are giving by agreeing to these terms.

CEC agrees that it has no right to sublicense or otherwise transfer, without your prior written consent, any of the rights granted to CEC in your Likeness. CEC acknowledges that you retain and reserve all rights to your Likeness not licensed to CEC hereunder. Except as expressly granted herein, CEC does not have, and may not claim, any right, title, or interest in or to your Likeness.

You acknowledge and agree that CEC is the sole and exclusive owner of all class content posted to its website and you will have no title thereto, or ownership interest therein, or to or in any related advertising or marketing materials.

You release CEC from all claims for invasion of privacy, right to publicity, copyright infringement, defamation or any other cause of action arising out of CEC’s use of your Likeness as contemplated herein.

CEC covenants and agrees that it will not use or disclose in, or in connection with, its use of your Likeness, your e-mail address, postal mailing address, or home or mobile telephone number. CEC will not use your Likeness for any criminal or illegal purposes or in a manner inconsistent with community standards of decency.

For more information on our privacy policy, see here.

Membership And Billing

You can find the specific details regarding your billing program with CEC at any time by viewing the payment terms on the registration page you used to register with your program.

As a customer of a CEC program, you agree that we are permitted to charge or debit, as applicable, your fees and any applicable tax or other charges you may incur in connection with your use of CEC’s services. As used in these Terms of Service, “billing” shall indicate either a charge or debit, as applicable, against your Payment Method. The fee will be billed according to the terms on your registration page (the page where you entered your account information). You shall be responsible for all charges incurred through your account as well as for paying any applicable taxes. We will automatically bill your Payment Method for each billing period on the calendar day corresponding to the commencement of your membership. If you want to use a different Payment Method or if there is a change in your credit card validity or expiration date, you may edit your Payment Method information by contacting us at info@centerforexecutivecoaching.com.

Your right to use a CEC program is conditional upon our receipt of payment. If payment cannot be charged to your credit card or if a charge is refunded for any reason, including chargeback, you agree to provide a new form of payment to keep your account in good standing. If you do not respond to our requests in a reasonable time period, we reserve the right to either suspend or terminate your access and account, thereby terminating this Agreement and all CEC obligations hereunder. You are required to pay any amounts still owed to us at the time your account is suspended or terminated. If you have an outstanding balance due on any CEC account, you hereby agree that CEC may charge these unpaid fees to your credit card. Of course, we are professionals and will do our best to work with you in case of challenging circumstances, so long as you are responsive and open and honest with us in exchange.

You acknowledge that if we offer installments, it is as a convenience and in no way meant to be as a “subscription” program. You are obligated to pay all installments until your balance is fully paid for the full price of the program, whether you choose to continue to participate actively in the program while installments come due or not. You may not cancel your installments for this course, just as you would not cancel the payment plan for an automobile.

No refunds are offered. This includes for any reason, including illness, personal issues, family issues, change in financial circumstances, Acts of God, or any other issues. It is up to you to be sure that this program is a good fit for your needs, and then to do the work required to complete it. Do not sign up if you are not serious about entering this field and working with us, as in any other endeavor or coursework, to succeed.

You may complete the program at your convenience and you have two years to complete the program along with two years of access to our member area. You may request an extension beyond that time if needed. You may download our tool kits and use those ongoing, as with any training manual, so long as you are up to date with your payments due.

Complaint and dispute resolution process: If you have any complaint or disputes with us during your program that are not covered by the terms herein, we are anxious to resolve them with you. Please email us your complaint and we will set up time to discuss it and attempt to reach resolution collaboratively.

Regarding organizations/sponsors that pay for an individual to participate: If you pay for another individual to participate, you are purchasing a non-transferable, non-refundable single seat license for that individual to use the program. We are happy to meet with the participant and you/program sponsor at the beginning of the program to create a plan for expected progress and reporting results, if desired. At the same time, it is up to you to screen each participant to make sure that they will meet your expectations by completing it, and for you to communicate with them about how and when they should complete and apply the program in a way that meets your goals and those of your organization. If the individual chooses to not participate or leaves the firm for whatever reason, no transfers or refunds are permitted; if you are paying on an installment basis, you are expected to make all installment payments as installments are offered as a convenience and are not a subscription that may be cancelled. Any certification provided to the individual remains with the individual regardless of his or her employment status with the organization.

Regarding seminars: If you register for a live training seminar and cancel or withdraw inside of 30 days before the seminar begins, you may attend the next scheduled identical seminar in exchange for a $500 rescheduling fee (of course excepting issues related to natural and manmade disasters, pandemics, etc; and we are very reasonable in cases of family emergency/illness). If you withdraw from that second seminar within 30 days of the seminar start date, you agree that you will need to re-register and pay the full program fee to reschedule. In case of an Act of God that requires us to cancel an in-person seminar, such as a weather event or man-made disaster, we reserve the right to offer a virtual seminar in place of an in-person seminar. If we cannot switch to a virtual seminar, you may come to a future seminar. Regardless of the situation, you agree that we are not responsible for any travel expenses or liability incurred in changing reservations/flights or other travel plans. In case a refund is required, you understand that the seminar is valued at no more than $2500.

Regarding the ICF Mentor Coaching Program: Because our ICF Mentor Coaching Program is very limited in the number of seats per class, it is costly when a participant registers and then chooses to drop out of the class. It also disrupts the momentum and team spirit of the class. Therefore, before you register for this program, it is important that you are 100% committed to completing your ICF Mentor Coaching Program. This means that you have cleared your schedule to make time for the classes. Furthermore, you understand that, should you drop out of your current cohort – for any reason whether in your control or not – you understand that there are no refunds and that you will pay the full program fee again to join a new class in the future.

Regarding International Coach Federation and other accreditations: Finally, you acknowledge that we do our best to remain in compliance with the International Coach Federation to remain an accredited organization with them. However, we cannot control their policies about accreditation, we cannot guarantee that they will renew our accreditation status, nor can we guarantee that the ICF will give you one of their designations when you apply. You agree to accept any risk related to ICF accreditation and designations. 

The same applies to the Board Certified Coach program. In the case of the Board Certified Coach Program, note that you are expected to come with the required 30 hours of coaching experience or be able to achieve those hours within 2 months of registration; peer coaching does not count. If you are not sure whether that is feasible for you and you want a third-party credential, please register for the ICF training program instead, or earn our Center for Executive Coaching Certified Executive Coach credential.

If you are a client of The Executive Coaching Bootcamp: If you are a client of The Executive Coaching Bootcamp with payment being made through CEC, you are agreeing the terms and conditions and privacy policy of the Executive Coaching Bootcamp and those of CEC. If there is a conflict between these terms and conditions, the terms and conditions of The Executive Coaching Bootcamp will apply.


When you join the Center for Executive Coaching you are a member ongoing. Therefore, if something comes up that interferes with your participation in the program, you may resume and complete the program at any time in the future. However, as the above section makes clear, if you are on an installment payment plan, you are expected to continue making any payments as they come due. You agree to this term regardless of circumstances in your life including: illness to yourself or others, change in financial circumstances, family issues, change in employment or self-employment, and/or your decision whether to participate in the program or use program resources or not.

Use Of Materials

As long as your payments are up to date with the program, you may use our materials with your coaching clients. This right applies even after you complete and fully pay for the program. You may add your logo to the materials, and adapt the materials to fit your approach to coaching clients, subject to the restrictions that follow.

You must print on each page of content that uses all or part of our materials, whether in original form or altered by you, the following statement: Adapted with permission from ATN Associates LLC and The Center for Executive Coaching

All source materials remain property of ATN Associates LLC and may not be sold, licensed, or franchised by you, or assigned in any other form.

You may only use these materials to improve your clients’ understanding of how to be more effective executives, leaders, managers, and business owners. Also, this program only applies to the single individual who purchased the program and may not be assigned in any way.

You may NOT use these materials in any of the following ways:

  • To teach or train people how to coach or how to be coaches.
  • To teach or train people how to play any advisory role, including but not limited to consultant, trainer, business advisor, executive advisor, or facilitator.
  • To license any of this material to any other person or entity in any form.
  • To certify other coaches, consultants, professionals, or anyone else or issue any form of credential or certificate based on these materials.
  • As part of a any kind of program program in which you distribute the content of this program widely in whole or part of a mass-marketed programmatic format, including but not limited to: an internet membership program, a do-it-yourself membership or subscription program, or a downloadable for-sale program in which people can purchase the toolkits in this program.
  • In any other manner not precisely consistent with coaching or advising clients to be more effective executives, leaders, managers, and business owners.

Learn More About Our Executive Coaching Certification Programs

Intellectual Property


The compilation of all content on this site is the exclusive property of CEC and protected by US and international copyright laws. All content included on CEC’s websites, including text, graphics, photographs, button icons, images, audio/video clips, logos, designs, digital downloads, data compilations, and software, is the property of CEC or its suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. They should not be reproduced or used without express written permission from CEC.


The Center for Executive Coaching is pending status as a registered trademark of CEC. All CEC logos, graphics, button icons, scripts, page headers, and service names are now or are pending status as trademarks or trade dress of CEC. CEC’s trademarks, pending trademarks, and trade dress may not be used in connection with any product or service that is not CEC’s, in any manner that is likely to cause confusion among customers, or in any manner that disparages or discredits CEC. All other trademarks not owned by CEC that appear on CEC’s websites are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with, connected to, or sponsored by CEC. Any images of persons or personalities contained on CEC’s websites shall not be an indication of endorsement of any particular product or our service unless otherwise specifically indicated.

Use Of Information Submitted

CEC is free to use any comments, concepts, reviews, information, ideas, or techniques contained in any communication you may send to CEC, including, without limitation or payment to you, participation in our classes, responses to questionnaires or through postings to CEC’s websites without further compensation, acknowledgement or payment to you for any purpose whatsoever including, but not limited to, using your likeness and voice/comments in our member area based on our classes and your participation/attendance; developing, manufacturing and marketing products; and creating, modifying or improving CEC’s websites or other websites. In addition, by posting any information on our site, attending our live classes, submitting suggestions, or in responding to questionnaires, you grant us a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to display, use, reproduce or modify that information. Under no circumstances shall CEC have any obligation whatsoever to pay a fee to any subscriber or user in connection with the Submitted Materials upon the occurrence of a transfer of all or any portion of CEC’s business through a merger, sale or transfer of its assets, nor shall the sale of advertising on any of the websites give rise to any obligation to pay a fee to subscribers.

Disclaimer Of Liability

You have the responsibility to check with applicable laws in your jurisdiction regarding whether the approaches we suggest meet legal or licensing requirements, or standards, in your jurisdiction.

The Center for Executive Coaching makes no claims about the amount you can earn as an executive coach. The executive coaching field is a competitive one, and the people in it have varying degrees of skill and ability. The Center for Executive Coaching is in no way liable or responsible for the business results you achieve. You understand that the information in this program is not meant to be a complete business plan. You should consult legal, accounting, other marketing professionals, and other resources to fully assess your risks.


Some of the links on CEC’s websites may lead to other websites that are not controlled by, or affiliated with, CEC. In addition, other websites may link to CEC’s websites. CEC has not reviewed these websites and is not responsible for the content or privacy policies of these websites.


If you have questions concerning your account, please contact Customer Service. If you have questions concerning this privacy policy or the terms of use, please contact info@centerforexecutivecoaching.com.

General Information

This Agreement and the relationship between you and CEC shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, without regard to its conflict of law provisions. You and CEC irrevocably agree to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the federal and state courts located within the county of Sarasota, in the State of Florida, and waive any jurisdictional, venue, or inconvenient forum objections to such courts. The failure of CEC to exercise or enforce any right or provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severed herewith and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. The section titles in this Agreement are for convenience purposes only and have no legal or contractual effect. This Agreement is not assignable, transferable or sub-licensable by you except with our prior written consent. However, we may assign this Agreement to any third party whom we choose without your consent. No waiver by CEC of any breach or default hereunder shall be deemed a waiver of any preceding or subsequent breach or default.

For more information on our Terms of Service, see here

For more on our cookie policy, see here

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