A key coaching skill that only 5% of coaches do well

Hello %$firstname$%:

Currently our members are working on a key skill that most coaches don't know how to do at all.

Most coaches learn how to conduct a single coaching session with a client. That's enough to get Certified with the major accrediting bodies in the field.

But that's not enough to make it in the market.

Let's say a potential client approaches you and says, "My company has been losing money, my people aren't doing what I need them to do, and nothing I've tried has worked. I need your help…"

You can't just tell the executive that you can meet together for a few sessions and, thanks to your ability to ask powerful questions and build trust and intimacy, your coaching will magically cause him to come up with brilliant insights to solve his problems.

That's way too superficial, and skeptical executives won't hire you. And yet — even though I am exaggerating a bit with the above description — that's not far off from what many coaches do!

What you really need to be able to do here is conceptualize an engagement that will get the client from where he (or she) is now to where he (or she) wants to go.

This is what the best consultants and project managers do, but it is a skill that is sorely lacking in the coaching world. That's one of many reasons why coaching is still perceived to be a bit on the fluffy side.

Conceptualization means that you have a phased approach, a proven methodology with steps, milestones, results tracking, and a clear end point.

Once you know how to conceptualize an engagement, you can talk to prospects with confidence. You can show them
a clear path to specific results that they can measure. You can demonstrate value, and prove that your fees are well worth it. You can also brand your approach and turn it into programs and products that make you income while you do other things. It's quite powerful, once you get the hang of it.

You can also do circles around most other coaches in the market.

The Center for Executive Coaching and our business coaching program at The Institute for Business Growth go deeper than other programs, including our emphasis on conceptualizing the coaching engagement in a way that attracts clients.

That's only one of many skills we teach.

Join us today. As always, feel free to call me on my personal cell to see if there is a fit, at 941-539-9623. Please be sure to check out thewebsite first.


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