Are you destined to be a rich coach or a poor coach?

Most of you have read, or certainly heard of, Robert Kiyosaki's bestseller Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

This article applies his famous framework to the business of coaching.

Here are two key points from his book:
– Don't be self-employed. Create a business.
– Assets provide ongoing cash flow. Create assets.

Most coaches neglect both of the above rules, and don't make as much money as they could.

The problem is that we are passionate about what we do, so passionate that we forget that we have a huge
opportunity to create a lucrative business as a coach. Instead, we trade our time for dollars, and our income hits a ceiling when we run out of time to coach clients. And so we become poor coaches when we have every opportunity to still love what we do and also be a rich coach.

A lucrative coaching business is one in which we aren't just trading time for dollars, where we earn income and create assets/wealth even when we aren't coaching clients directly.

You can create wealth and a true business as a coach. It requires a different mindset than most coaches have, which is good news for you because you can set yourself apart as the go-to expert in your field. You can also create valuable programs and products that earn a stream of passive income for you.

The Center for Executive Coaching shows you how to do that, in addition to providing you with best-practice coaching processes, tools, and frameworks.

There are all sorts of fluffy and academic/theoretical coach training programs out there. If you want a program that is practical and shows you how to get great results for clients while building a successful coaching business, you should join the Center for Executive Coaching.

Whether your goal is to make $75,000 as a coach this year, or hit the top 5% and earn $250,000 and even seven figures, we can help. Plus, we show you how to create assets that bring you a stream of income and that allow you to sell your business one day so that you reap your rewards and enjoy wealth.

Questions? Call me today at 941-539-9623 but please visit our website first at Remember — a new call cycle, based on my book with Guerrilla Marketing father and founder Jay Conrad Levinson, Guerrilla Marketing for Coaches, begins next week and is for members only!

Why be a Poor Coach when — with just a little effort and knowledge on your part — you can be a Rich Coach?

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