A couple of events happened recently that got me thinking about excellence and coaching.
First, like many, I was amazed at how law enforcement, with the help of the residents of Boston and Watertown, so quickly found the two people who set off the bombs during the Boston Marathon.
Second, I went to my 11 years old son's swim meet banquet. We didn't know this when we signed him up, but his YMCA swim team is one of the best programs in the country. This year alone it sent 7 teens to the Olympic qualifying trials.
At the banquet, graduating high school seniors gave speeches about what swimming has meant to them. They showed wisdom beyond their years, a wisdom gained from the discipline of swimming hours and miles every day, while striving to get better no matter what.
Inspired by these events, I raised the question of excellence on our most recent Center for Executive Coaching teleclass. How does excellence show up in your life and in your coaching? How can you use excellence in your own life and career to earn the right to coach others? What distinctions about excellence do you know, that you can use to help clients achieve their most ambitious aspirations?
It was a great class. A leader in the US Air Force discussed the 3 pillars of USAF training: integrity, service to others, and excellence in all we do. A successful athlete (our membership includes an Olympic figure skating coach as well as a
former professional basketball player for the Utah Jazz) shared what she learned from sports, and especially about the power of practice, practice, practice.
One participant commented, "It is refreshing to talk about excellence. Many people in organizations are discouraged, and could use this kind of discussion."
Most importantly, as coaches, we need to see our clients as excellent, as capable of achieving their most compelling vision for their, and their organization's future. We teach in our program that one of the key mindsets (one of seven) that coaches
have is taking a stand for the client's most ambitious aspirations. Sometimes it seems like we believe in them more than they do, at least at the start. By taking that stand, our clients have at least one source of resolve on their behalf. This resolve can make the difference, and be infectious.
What does excellence mean to you in your coaching? Is excellence something you practice, and make part of your practice?
I hope so.
As always, call anytime to discuss your aspirations for your coaching practice: 941-539-9623.
Best, Andrew Neitlich