Why don’t you have an extensive application process like other coach training programs?

Sometimes prospective members ask us why we don’t have a very formal application process compared to other coach training programs. All we ask for is a brief bio, CV, resume, or Linkedin profile. We are also happy to schedule a brief phone call to confirm fit. That’s usually enough to know whether a prospective member is right for our program or not.

The reason is that our members already come to us as very successful professionals. They already have extensive experience and a track record of success in leadership and/or via academic achievements. It doesn’t take much to know whether a prospective member has what it takes to succeed other than a review of their accomplishments and a call. The call confirms that they have the verbal agility and listening skills to successfully coach executives, leaders, managers, up-and-coming talent. Also, we have learned that our website tends to scare away people who don’t understand that coaching needs to be rigorous, practical, and ultimately focused on measurable value and results for clients.

Given all of the above, we don’t feel that we need to make you jump through more hoops than you already have in order to succeed in your career so far. You’ve already filled out enough applications and tolerated enough hoops, and we hope that you agree that enough is enough at this point in your career.

Now, many marketing experts have told us that this is a mistake. By forcing you through an extensive application process, we would supposedly create the psychological impression that we are exclusive and elite.

We prefer to let the quality of our content, testimonials, and focus on results do the talking. Of course, if you would like a more rigorous application process, you are welcome to submit as many essays, references, and transcripts as you would like :).

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