Executive Coaching White Paper: The 3 leadership gaps that technology experts face and how to coach them to success

Please enjoy our white paper about how to help technology experts make the leap to leadership. You can download it by clicking here.

This applies equally well to any company with a high concentration of technology, scientific, and clinical professionals. It also applies both to external and internal coaches, as well as to organizational development and Human Resource professionals who work with technology, scientific, and clinical companies and leaders.

We are seeing a great deal of interest from companies who see value in using our coach training methodologies and toolkits in their organizations — whether for bringing consistency to the coaching provided to their internal coaching programs, or as a way for their leaders and managers to have best practice coaching skills to develop their people. If you would like a preview of our content, and a strategy session about your goals, please contact us at anytime: info@centerforexecutivecoaching.com or 941-539-9623.


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