HP Has the Talent to Replace CEO

As Hewlett Packard CEO Mark Hurd resigns due to questionable ethics, analysts note that HP has more than enough internal talent to replace him. That’s a wonderful tribute to this, or any company.

As executive coaches, we can help companies like HP develop leaders for the future, in a number of ways:

– Coaching executives to continue to develop as leaders.

– Coaching leadership about how to develop other leaders.

– Creating a culture of coaching, so that everyone in a company challenges employees to be and do their best,, keep developing, and achieve extraordinary results.

More and more companies recognize the incredible value that executive coaching can have. They realize that most training programs don’t provide sustainable results, with 85% of any training forgotten within 2 weeks fo the event. In contrast, executive coaching provides ongoing support and reinforcement for sustainable results. Many executives consider executive coaching to be one of the most valuable experiences of their career (assuming they get a great coach).

At the same time, the best executive coaches are solution providers. They can help organizations build their leadership capacity — whether by training executives to be executive coaches or by helping executives plan for succession.

Of course, I’m talking about outstanding executive coaches here, the kind who become trusted advisors and can wear many hats for their clients to solve problems. I’m not talking about the paid-by-the-hour, lightweight, follow a script kind of coaches that unfortunately are hurting the reputation of the industry. 

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