The Three Problems with Most Executive Coach Training Programs

The Center for Executive Coaching has two types of members: those who are new to executive coaching, and those who have taken other executive coaching programs and were not satisfied.

Those who were not satisfied with other coaching programs share the following three issues:

1. There was not enough focus on actually attracting clients and starting and then growing a successful practice.

2. The content was “lightweight” with an emphasis on asking fairly generic questions.

3. There was no follow up support, so that people felt left in the lurch after their training concluded.

The Center for Executive Coaching provides a complete solution for individuals seeking to get into executive coaching, or for those who want to succeed in building a profitable and enjoyable practice. We do this by solving the three issues noted above.

First, one of the strengths of our program is our emphasis on attracting clients and building your practice. We provide you with over 450 pages of business development materials, along with in-depth audio lectures and 24/7 email support. We will review your target marketing, marketing message, and business development action plan and provide comments – down to actually editing your materials to improve response. Our 9-step approach for attracting clients has been proven to work, and we show you how to apply it to achieve your goals.

Second, our content is second to none. Developed after years of working with executives, our content goes way beyond asking questions and basic “active inquiry.” Instead, we provide you with frameworks, tools, and distinctions to address the real pressing problems that executives face: career management, building a power base, creating a high-performance culture, engaging and mobilizing employees, influencing others, conversations for accountability and results, developing leaders, strategic thinking, communicating powerfully, and managing up. We also help you to start the coaching process off with an effective assessment process (including 360 degree assessments and various assessment tools).

Third, we provide unparalleled follow up and support. Our members contact us all the time to discuss client situations, review proposals, and discuss ongoing marketing and business development activities. We don’t charge for this follow up, and consider it an honor and pleasure to offer this service. Studies show that people forget 85% of what they learn after a training course, and our follow up and support – along with ongoing weekly teleconferences – assures competence and success. Of course, also included in our program are one-on-one coaching simulations to help you continue to improve your skills.

In short, our program addresses the problems that most executive coaching programs don’t. Contact us anytime to see if you would benefit from our program structure and unique approach.

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3 Keys To Success As An Executive Coach

Discover what distinguishes the top 5% of executive coaches, learn the seven critical orientations for success, and know the essential questions to ask when choosing an executive coaching training program.


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